Ian Hughes has done a lot of work on making a 3D-printable K9. Details of Doctor Who’s K-9 and other science-fiction models can be found on his Patreon page. I am currently working on printing the external parts for the main body,
The parts are printed on our Prusa MK3 3D printer using a mix of random PLA (Polylactic acid) filaments. However, I am mostly using PLA+ from eSUN.
I have managed to get the bottom ring printed out so far, this is the sections at the bottom edge of the image to the right.
Unlike the diagram to the right, I am not going to use the STL files in Ian’s set to 3D print the bumpers but will use foam pipe lagging instead.
I have been working on Doctor Who’s K9 timeline to choose which version of the dog I most want to model mine on.
K9 Timeline
I have started writing up the K9 Timeline, I will be working through the episodes to take more screenshots and get more reference images. This will help with choosing colours and detailing.