After the Origin issue, another one of KiCad’s slight annoyances is when the contents of the paper space title blocks get out of sync, looking at the support tickets, this is by design, however, it doesn’t stop it from being an annoying “feature”. This is especially problematic when you go […]
One of the problems I have when designing PCBs, or working in CAD with a view to 3D printing it is easy to lose sight of how big things on the screen are in real life. A lot of the time when you move away from working with through-hole components […]
When you have been using KiCad for a while to make PCBs, one of the things you will come to find is a pain is that by default the KiCad grid origin is set up in the top left of the Paper Space, which makes it a bit of a […]
My preferred ECAD software is KiCad. It is now at version seven, and over recent years has been developed to be more and more powerful. I used to use CadSoft Eagle CAD until it was taken over by Autodesk and became part of Fusion 360. I use KiCad for both […]
The IPC 2221 voltage and spacing standards have two general voltage levels for creepage and clearance, which it defines as “Low Voltage” and “High Voltage”, Some of the “High Voltage” would be considered SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage), the IPC 2221 Low Voltage is <15 V DC or AC RMS, […]
You may have heard the saying “never trust the autorouter”, you may have even seen it written on a t-shirt! Back when I used Eagle ECAD (Before AutoDesk did their thing), there was a built-in autorouter that was a handy tool to use to help with working out if you […]
Sometimes I need to create and model my own KiCad components for use in my component library. For example, I found some cheap small microswitches on AliExpress that I am looking to use in SwarmBot, however, there was no existing KiCad Component in the library. I found an identical switch […]